Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Origin Of Tiny B

Tiny B has been on me for not posting. Sorry. I keep wanting to post a massive defense of "The Tank," as I think going in the tank is not only a very misunderstood poker exercise, but vitally important for any good player. I want to take you inside a Celeste Tank, which is second only to a Dan Harrington book in terms of helping you become a monstrously winning player. For now, I'll just offer this thought on the matter: "Tank = good ... thoughts?"

In addition, here is a Batface e-mail exchange from August 12, 2004 that I dug up which explains the origin of Tiny B. Discussions of what TBR would like to do to certain coworkers has been deleted to protect his wage-earning-for-three-kids status. As with all e-mail chains, please read from bottom up:
-----Original Message-----
From: Shane Keller
"...hold me closer, tiny boxer..."

-----Original Message-----
From: Brown, Randy
I have never heard a better nickname than Todd "Tiny Box" Phillips, or "TB" Phillips, for short. Please, let's make this stick.

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Wilonsky
Actually, I considered leaving with you just out of sympathy, till Eric demanded I stay so there was "at least one Jew bastard left at the table." Todd agreed and fashioned a yellow star of David out of crepe paper he keeps in his trunk, along with his golf clubs and case of cards and the tiny box in which he which he keeps his compassion and sense of humor. Shane, surprisingly, spent the rest of the evening complaining "it's not the same without Thum" and sobbed quietly into his tequila. Randy said only, "Michael who?"

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Celeste
No prob. No one had anything bad to say about you except Robert, and he felt so guilty about it he pretended to be your friend shortly afterward. We’ve all been there, except for Todd, who has no friends, and Shane, whose mother is in heaven with Jesus and Mary and the long-eared donkey and the talking walnut.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Thum
Will you please forward this to the guys that played last night. I want to apologize for leaving in the middle of the game last night. A personal matter came up that I needed to take care of. I hope you understand.


Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

I should also mention that Neg's article neatly plays into my defense of the tank, which shall be revealed sometime before TBR gets to part IV of his WSOP recap.

Thum said...

I love you guys.