I figured I would beat Todd to the punch so his comments to my "horrible, can't fucking believed you called me" wouldn't be front and center on the main page. Small group of us played at Tulsa's last night in a pretty uneventful night. No obscene, ungodly odors coming from Tim's body, which straight Eric complimented him on instead of just saying thank you. One uncomfortable moment when three players were talking about someone's small penis inadvertantly in front of the host's daughter. Don't worry, she was too busy text messaging to hear what was going on. Receiving updates on Freeze's date from Todd, since Freeze ignored my emails to his Blackberry. I guess the most entertainment by far came from Simmons. Not really sure how to explain how excited everyone was to hear that he has money and is willing to "take a gamble with it".
Back to my bad call on the last hand. I was down just a little when I get dealt 9s3s. Usually I would never call but being the last hand, I figured I would limp in. The flop comes 5s6h8s. Tim is first to call and he bets $10. Straight Eric and Tulsa fold and then Todd bets $75. We played pot limit for the first 3 hours and then NL for the last 2. Need to get rid of PL in our home game. This is where sometimes I play with my gut and not by the book. I didn't have pot odds, however I felt that Tim was going to call since he is notorious for staying in on big pots, and I thought he actually had a hand. Yes, he could have had a higher flush draw than me, but my gut told me he didn't. So with the flush draw and any seven giving me a straight I called. Dickhead Tim folded since he was keeping with his word earlier in the night of "not playing like an ass and blowing all my money in the last hour". Todd proceeded to lecture me on how I can be so stupid to make such a shitty call. Todd flips over a 47 for the small straight, which I think happened 3-4 times last night, him flopping a straight. Even though everyone in the room was convinced a flush would come, it didn't. Todd was very happy and even apologized for the lecture however it was as sincere as a typical Todd comment.
On my long ass drive home I thought about the call and I knew that $75 was way too much to chase a flush. Sometimes your gut can be wrong, especially since Tim folded not giving me any pot odds, but it doesn't hurt to have the other players have no idea what you are going to call. I might be reading too much of Dan's playing.
One correction...Adam lead out post flop for $5, Tim raised to $20 or so and then I made it $75. So you had a bet, a raise and a re-raise in front of you and you were getting about 1:1 on your money(pot was $105, about what you had left) with a nine high flush draw and a gut-shot straight draw, both of which might be drawing dead.
Also, I don't know that I lectured you. I emphatically told you that you were a bad, actually horrible, player.
I like Tummy's play. You have to make them fear you. Plus, he had outs.
You were right about the raises, but again, I really felt like Tim had something since he made a big bet and would have made my pot odds better.
"They were suited"
- Dan Michalski
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