Having me back is like a dream, isn't it? I'm sure you all missed me as much as I missed you bitches. But I feel like I don't know you guys anymore. It makes me sad. So, fill me in: Is Shane still ugly? Is Tulsa still bald? Does Rogers still say inappropriate things? Am I still the best player in the home game? And when will I stop asking questions?
Now, about me: I'm still very good at poker, for those who haven't yet heard. Entered Party Poker's Super Wednesday Tournament, which I thought was No Limit, but which actually turned out to be LIMIT. Oops. Worked out in my favor, though. I finished third out of 553 players, good for nearly $7500. As Dan has noted recently in an email conversation, all tournaments (WSOP included) should have an asterisk if I'm not part of the field. I'm just sayin'.
Sending out a virtual hug--to you especially, Tiny, because I know you like it like that.
Shane is skinnier, Tulsa is bald, Rogers is in time out, Freeze is now the best player, and hopefully more questions to come. Obviously you are very good at poker just not game selection. And Tiny needs a hug...
And that's Scott, our favorite host. I can see that Gonz ignores me as much as the other batfaces when I send out a lunch invite.
Might have to start hanging out with Ed. Lord help me.
Fawcett, hello. I've heard many things about you--mostly how you like to piss people off (which is something I enjoy, too).
Thum, miss you terribly.
Ed can be fun to hang out with. I work at the Tollway and Beltline so there are plenty of places to eat around here. If you ever need someone to abuse at lunch just gimme a shout!
So what does this mean? You are coming back to Dallas, or you are just blogging on the site now? I'm ambivalent about one of these outcomes and sick to my stomach over the other one.
Fuck you, Ed.
Ed, can Shane come to lunch?
Shane can COME wherever he wants.
Shane, I'm moving back. Can I stay with you until I find a place?
I knew I could count on you. Thanks, pal!
Ed is so married and gay.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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