A couple of weeks ago, Dan and I were discussing the
allegedly tightened scrutiny on all media credentials for this year's WSOP (By the way, you'll note no more sweating of players by the media, a/k/a the "Shane Rule"). This
blog entry on Cardplayer suggests that it will provide the "
exclusive content" for results and chip counts. Huh? Isn't that like saying that ABC has the exclusive right to tell you what the final score of the Super Bowl was? Methinks First Amendment battles may be ahead. The line between Dan Michalski and Larry Flynt may have gotten even murkier...
I am confused on this whole exclusive shit they are pulling this year.
Does this mean when Shane busts out early you can not tell us here at the BF blog? Maybe it just means you can not give us up-to-date chip counts for Shane's table but telling us he went out when his T4o all in pre flop play was beat by JJ is ok.
I think on a more practical level, it means you can't cross certain ropes, utilize the wi-fi signal, etc.
Did you read the blog that BJ made about it? Sounded more like they could tell anyone they wanted to not give live updates. What makes you think they won't go around swinging their dicks and giving the little guys big ol mushroom stamps if they try to update their readers?
Jihad on you.
And a merry Jihad to you, Shane!
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