The cards have absolutely runneth over me in the past month plus with nary a bit of help from me. Last week, I sat down late, and the first hand I was dealt queens. I bet it, it was called in 46 spots, an ace AND king flopped, somehow it was checked around TWICE, and I rivered the nut flush to double up. Last night, I sat down late, was dealt JTo, flopped two pair and more than doubled up. That has repeated itself in some form or fashion throughout the last several nights of poker. I may not be the best player at our player, but I'm certainly the luckiest (or at least the second-luckiest, since Tulsa still plays in the game).
Please be careful on the lucky front. I had that last year and look at the schlogger results to see how it is working this. Also, I suck, that probably has something to do with it.
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Rumor has it you played in the big game last night with Darling and his crew. How did you do?
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