Thursday, February 16, 2006

Know When to Fold Them

We had our home game last night instead of our typical Thursday night, and my play remained as poor as it has all year. Even though I had a good couple of weeks lately, I sucked badly last night. I don't know if it was that I didn't get many hands so I was bored to death, or just wasn't into the game last night. I let several people draw for free, which came back to bite me in the ass on the turn and river. However, my biggest problem has been knowing when to lay down a hand. I got suckered into several river bets which I should have known I was beat. I had several strong second place hands but could have saved a ton of money by just folding. The only highlight was beating Scott heads up finally after the game.

I know my blogs lack much entertainment value, but at least it is a post.


Anonymous said...

If a post falls in the woods, and no one reads it......

Anonymous said...

I have seen you play and I think that maybe it is time you admit that you are just not very good at poker