Here they are. If you like them and wish to make a positive comment, please address it to me. If you are unhappy, offended, irritated or embarrassed, please contact Shane. If you aren't a batface and don't like inside-jokes and gay porn, I suggest you go elsewhere.
Also, PI 8th place finisher Zach B (Son of Sue) was not ranked due to excessive absence from the home game in 2005. Had he been ranked, I'm sure he would have made the top 17.
As usual, pure greatness. Great job guys. Kind of scary how Shane can find those pictures.
Genius, as always. Except that I'm ranked too low.
I will challenge 6 of the 12 people ranked ahead of me to regular heads-up matches.
PS ... what is the connection between Sang and Cornhuskers?
Is it too late for me to turn in my rankings?
Dan - Please name names.
Dan, time and place please.
This is crap. How is it that I wasn't included in this thing? I may be gone, but I should not be dismissed.
If you go with the Dan vs Higher Ranked People series of heads-up matches, I would like to request the following:
1) a succession of name-calling and trash-talking has to occur in the lead up (I have a feeling this is going to happen anyway)
2) each individual match-up needs to be blogged about indepth, featuring an introduction of the history of Dan vs Player, and at least a breakdown of each pivotal hand. I favour an ESPN-style commentary team. Iside jokes and gay references not only allowed, but encouraged.
3) a succession of name-calling and trash-talking afterwards
Is this too much to ask?
Gonz - We have no idea how your game is. Sure, we could assume you're still solid, but look at Adam, he used to be one of the best and now he barely cracks the top 10.
Assuming I am one of the 6 Dan would not face heads-up, I will gladly provide the garthmeister-suggested color. I think Sommer would be great for play-by-play.
I'm in. We could get Tiny B to work the sidelines a-la Tony Siragusa, and Sang's glass eye and street cred make him a natural Stuart Scott.
So Sang has no street cred?
The commentary surrounding the rankings are nice, although, I am ranked too low. I feel like I'm always the bridesmaid and not the bride since I barely cracked the top 10. Although, I did like the sexy poster Shane found to represent my god-like physique. Go Gentle Shane!
PS - I can drink any of you under teh table. Saddle up bitches!
When you have a friend like Johnny Fingers, you lose all "street cred."
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